
Best Unlimited Data Plans in 2023

Author: Julio Osuna

Updated: May 21, 2023

When it comes to traveling, knowing what the best unlimited data plans are is crucial. Even for those who don’t intend to travel, but still want to use all the available features that come with their smartphone or cellphone, this is very important information.

Even though it seems like something simple, there are plenty of things for people to know about this. It’s not simply telling which are the best alternatives, but getting to know what they offer and what makes them different from the rest!

So, if you are eager to know more about the best-unlimited data plans in 2023, here’s the perfect guide for you to find the best alternative in the market!

How do unlimited data plans work?

For those wondering how these plans work, it is not only about the unlimited feature that’s included. These plans go further than simply providing customers all the data they need, as there are other aspects that need to be kept in mind when using these plans.

One of the main features for customers is, of course, the unlimited data plans there are available. But on the other hand, certain companies also have some limitations about how these plans can be used.

In most cases, these plans will allow travelers and consumers to get an internet connection with no limitations on how much cellular data they can spend. It is also fair to mention these plans are also somehow more expensive than other alternatives, so that’s important to remember.

Also, another feature to keep in mind comes with the consumption limitation. Some companies will limit cellular data sharing, and throttle down the service, and some others have a “limit” for how much data they offer.

By knowing this, it’s time to tell consumers about the best alternatives to get unlimited data in 2023!

What are the best alternatives for traveling with unlimited data?

When it comes to getting unlimited cellular data, there are some options that will come first than others. Currently, it is known that some operators within the United States offer these plans. But they are not the only alternatives that are available on the market.

There are other options, like eSIM carriers, which also offer unlimited data for consumers to use either when traveling or inside their countries. These have become quite popular among customers but it is important for everyone to get to know more about what they include.

So, let’s get to know the best alternatives for traveling with unlimited data plans in 2023!


One of the best alternatives there are in the market comes from Holafly. The company is currently receiving more and more recognition worldwide due to the different unlimited data plans they offer.

Currently, Holafly offers eSIMs that work in over 90 different countries. Most of where there are unlimited data plans working and that are cheaper than the domestic cellular carriers in these countries.

But what’s best about Holafly is the fact people can get an eSIM with unlimited data from them anywhere around the world. There are no limitations for travelers to get an eSIM from Holafly, and that’s just something perfect to know. People simply need a prior internet connection to process the payment and an eSIM-compatible cellphone to use one!

USA Mobile Carriers

Let’s talk about the USA cellular carriers. Currently, there are plenty of companies working within the United States to offer different network services that can either be used when traveling or within the country.

As for now, the most important providers we want to mention, that are available in the USA are Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile. All of these providers have different data plans and we are going to get to know each one of them and the different alternatives they offer to their customers.

There are also some limitations when it comes to having these providers. As the name says, these are only available for use within the United States. Foreigners won’t be able to get this service! 

But let’s get to know exactly what these companies offer on the different data plans they have available for use!

Prepaid Data Plans

When using prepaid data plans, these are basically plans that must be paid in advance for travelers to use them. A recurring monthly fee will be paid to the cellular carrier for the service to be activated, and in some cases, there might be some promotions available with the service offered by the provider.

As for now, let’s elaborate on the different data plans there are available for people to use with either AT&T, Verizon, or T-Mobile:

  • Verizon Data Plans: Currently, Verizon offers different unlimited data plans to its users. These plans have prices that vary from $65 to up to $90, depending on what is included. All of these data plans allow consumers to use 5G speeds for a certain amount of GBs consumed and then offer a lower speed unlimited data.
  • T-Mobile Data Plans: T-Mobile currently offers three different data plans for people. All of these plans offer the opportunity to share cellular data for a certain amount of GBs, while also offering people the chance to get unlimited data with a higher or lower speed depending on the plan. These plans go from $65 to $85.
  • AT&T Data Plans: Currently, AT&T offers people unlimited data plans within their prepaid plans. All of these plans have unlimited cellular data. And there are refill plans, which makes it an accessible deal for people. Still, it is important to know that these plans vary from $40 to $60, and refills vary from $10 to $35.

Postpaid Data Plans

Nowadays, getting access to postpaid data plans allows people to enjoy more of the services these companies offer. But sadly, that’s not something USA customers have available.

All the plans available within T-Mobile, AT&T, and Verizon are prepaid data plans. There aren’t unlimited data plans for postpaid users. So, we can’t get into detail about what these companies offer!

International Data Plans

When it comes to talking about international data plans, companies have been working hard to offer the best possible service to their customers. All the companies we mentioned before currently offer these data plans, so let’s see what they offer!

  • Verizon International Data Plans: Currently, Verizon offers TravelPass to all its users. This plan allows people to get access to unlimited phone calls, text messages, and cellular data. This plan costs $10 per day, but people need to know that the cellular data consumption is limited to 2GBs of high-speed data each day!
  • T-Mobile International Data Plans: For T-Mobile users, things work differently. They need to pay for certain plans, which cost around $60 to $90 per month, and offer customers the chance to use cellular data with a slower speed in over 215 different destinations.
  • AT&T International Data Plans: With the AT&T International Day Pass, people get access to the features available in the USA. This plan costs $10 per day used, but consumers need to pay for their data plan as well. It is important to say that this plan can be used with unlimited AT&T data plans as well.

What’s the best option for getting unlimited data plans abroad in 2023?

Up to this point, getting to know what’s the best option for getting unlimited data plans while abroad might be hard to do. There are different options available for people when it comes to using these plans, as seen before, but some of them are limited to specific places like the United States.

Therefore, options like Holafly actually come in first place. With unlimited mobile data, this number one option, is one of the best alternatives there are in the market. Thanks to the coverage and how easy it is to get an eSIM, it is a must-use alternative.

But it’s important to mention we aren’t saying the other alternatives are bad to use. It’s just they aren’t accessible to people who aren’t in the US, so if you want to get unlimited data plans when abroad, use Holafly!


Is there a daily limit on how much cellular data customers can use per day?

In most cases, there is. The limit tends to be around 2 GB for high-speed data, and after that, consumers will still get unlimited data but with a slower connection.

Is there a limit on how many unlimited data plans people can get?

It depends on the company people are using. Cellular carriers are stricter with this, as people would need to sign different contracts for each data plan. Holafly allows them to make easier purchases.

What’s the best option for international travelers?

As T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T are limited to the United States, Holafly is the best alternative for international travelers as their eSIMs can be bought anywhere in the world.

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