
Best SIM Card for Haiti: prices and where to buy?

Author: Julio Osuna

Updated: December 29, 2022

sim card haiti

When traveling, travelers and tourists have different alternatives to stay connected around the world. There’s no doubt about this. One of the things we can mention is the fact that people might need to use a SIM card for Haiti, which happens to be a great alternative for travelers around the world.

There’s a lot of information when it comes to eSIMs and how they work, In this case, we can get to tell many things about how the SIM card works. We have summarized all the necessary information in this article today so that travelers will be well-informed before their trip. 

Where to buy the best data SIM card for Haiti?

The first thing we are going to mention here is where users can get a SIM card from. We know that getting a SIM card can be easy as there are two options to get one, such as online stores and physical stores. Here, we will tell you everything you need to know about them both.

Most travelers will rather buy SIM cards through online stores as it is easier, but others prefer to get a SIM card in a physical store because it’s the traditional way of getting one. Therefore, we will mention both methods, so people can get to choose either option depending on the best one that suites them.

Buy my Haiti SIM card before traveling

The first route to go down, that we will talk about is buying a SIM card before traveling. This option has become a reliable method among travelers as they can buy it before traveling. One of the perks of this option is that the SIM card will arrive at the user’s home before traveling. It’s something very easy to do because users only need an internet connection to do so.

The only thing we need to keep in mind is that, when going down this road, it might take a bit more time before the SIM card arrives. It’s best for travelers to buy this SIM card several days before their trip so that it’ll arrive on time. That’s why some people have decided to even use eSIMs rather than SIM cards when traveling.

How much does a SIM card for Haiti cost?

When it comes to using a SIM card, there are many details for people to know. One of the things we need to keep in mind comes with the cost of the SIM card because that’s something travelers need to keep in mind to adjust their budget.

Prices will mostly depend on the service that people decide to use. Many carriers offer users affordable prices that might be good for their budget, as some SIM cards can start at $15 for a SIM card that remains active for about a week, but only gives 1 GB of cellular data, which is pretty low for a whole week.

Now, other companies can offer more data and more days, but prices can increase considerably. That’s something we need to keep in mind, as they go up to even more than $100 for a SIM card.

Buy my SIM card in Haiti

Time to discuss the SIM cards people can buy when they are traveling. These happen to be the “traditional” way of getting a SIM card for Haiti due to these being physical stores.

In Haiti, there are two different companies people can use to get a cellular service. The thing with these providers is that users, at least travelers, have a harder time getting one because they are mostly offered to locals only. Still, it is worth noting some things people need to know about this topic.


One of the carriers we know in Haiti is Digicel. This one is a provider people can get to use in different countries around the Caribbean, and it includes Haiti among the options used.


  • People can get to choose different data plans when buying a SIM card.
  • The coverage is pretty decent in most important areas from Haiti.
  • There are different stores where travelers can buy a SIM card.


  • There are no 5G connections available on the island for the time being.
  • It is easier for travelers to get an international SIM due to fewer restrictions.
  • People need to call an operator to activate the SIM card, no manual process is available.

Natcom Mobile

The second option we can get to choose from when traveling to Haiti is Natcom, which is the second most popular carrier on the island. So far, these are the only two options available for users.


  • They have 4G connections with good data speed.
  • There are many data plans available for people to choose from with Natcom.
  • They offer roaming services.


  • There aren’t 5G connections available for use.
  • There is low coverage in remote places on the island.
  • More expensive than other companies.

eSIM card for Haiti, the new alternative

One of the things we mentioned at some point in the article was the international eSIM. This one happens to be an option for people to use when traveling because they are better than SIM cards for travelers.

This one happens to be the newest version of the SIM card, as it is totally digital, and that’s something people need to be aware of. The only thing is that people need to have a last-gen device to use one, but other than this, it offers more benefits than the traditional SIM card we are used to getting.

Let’s mention some things we need to know about the eSIM:

  • People need to check that their cellphone is compatible with an eSIM, as this technology is not available for all kinds of devices on the market.
  • Only a QR code is required to activate an eSIM, and this one is sent through email, meaning customers need to provide a valid email address when buying an eSIM.
  • An internet connection is required as people will have to use it when they are activating the eSIM they bought. This process is recommended to be done before traveling.
  • People can get to use an eSIM for Haiti, for example, with the same card they use on a daily basis without issues.

How much does the eSIM for Haiti cost?

Before we end the article, the only thing there’s left to mention here is the price of the eSIM for Haiti. For those who would prefer to use an eSIM rather than a SIM card, here’s the price list for the Holafly eSIM for Haiti.

Haiti eSIM card

Days of useAmount of cellular dataPrice (USD)
7 days 3 GB $37
15 days 7GB$44
30 days 15GB$54
Holafly eSIM for Haiti Pricing Table

Frequently asked questions about the Haiti SIM card

Up to this point, we have all the information we need to know about SIM cards and some information about eSIMs. So, before we finish the article, let’s give people some additional information they might want to know that was left aside throughout the whole article.

What do I need to know to choose the best SIM card with data for Haiti?

People need to keep several details in mind. They need to think about how many days they will remain there, the amount of data they will need, how much it will cost, and how much time will the delivery will take to arrive. After that, they can make a choice to buy the best option.

Will I be able to share data with other devices while using a SIM card?

It depends. The provider that the user chooses has the final answer, so that’s something to keep in mind.

Can I receive messages or calls on the Haiti SIM card?

Yes. There’s no limitation when people use a SIM card.

Can I buy more than one SIM for my trip?

Yes. People can buy as many SIM cards as they need, which is something great for people to know, especially if they are traveling with more people.

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