
Pocket WiFi Israel: What are the best options?

Author: Julio Osuna

Updated: September 25, 2023

Israel is a beautiful country and If you are looking for a place to travel with a rich history and with strong religious roots, Israel can surely be on your list. But to properly enjoy the visit, a Pocket WiFi Israel might be good to have.

There’s something to keep in mind here. Some people might not know how a Pocket WiFi works, Or they might not know how to rent one, if any of this is true, then you came to the right place. Today we will talk about everything people must know about Pocket WiFi Israel. 

Companies offering Portable WiFi in Israel

Portable WiFi provider company Weekly rates (Including other expenses)
Travelers WiFi73.40 USD (Weekly use) + 4.67 to 34.07 USD (Delivery)
MioWiFi56 USD (Weekly) + 40 to 50 USD (Delivery)
Travel WiFi59.99 USD (Weekly use) + 8 to 30 USD (Delivery)
Cello Mobile349.99 USD (Weekly use) + 14.99 USD (Insurance) + 75 USD (Worldwide delivery) or 20 to 40 USD (Delivery to Mexico, USA, and Canada) 
My Webspot 76.84 USD (Weekly use) + 5.57 to 11.24 USD (Delivery)
Table N°1 Comparision between pocket WiFi providers for Israel.

Details and rates of Portable WiFi for Israel

Find interesting the information we just give you about the Pocket WiFi Israel? If the answer is yes, then you have to think about some other things that are a must-know for people using a device of this kind.

Therefore, that’s why we will be talking about the details and rates of each one of the companies we just mentioned, so pay attention.

Travelers WiFii

To begin with the list of companies, we have to talk about Travelers WiFi first, a company located in Switzerland.

For those wondering how much do people have to pay to use this service, the answer is $73.40 for a week. This will include 1GB of mobile data per day, and can be extended to have more data, but for a higher price.

In case someone is asking themselves: How can I rent a device if they are in Switzerland? No need to worry, the company can send you the device right to your house. Just remember they charge from 4 to 34 USD depending on where you are at. 

Other than that, the last thing, and maybe the most important one, is that people can’t lose or damage a device from the company. If this happens, they will simply charge them $159 to replace the damaged device.


Even though most of the companies offering the Pocket WiFi service are located in Europe, MioWiFi is more accessible for people in Latin America. 

Based in Argentina, MioWiFi offers the Pocket WiFi Israel service for $56 a week and gives their clients 1GB of mobile data and it is the nearest company in the continent offering this service.

Now, speaking about deliveries, the company does offer this service to their clients. But, to be exact, the delivery price is a bit too high. For those wondering, MioWiFi charges from around 40 to 50 USD depending on where people are.

The last thing to mention here is quite important too. For those using a device, pay attention to it as much as possible, because if it gets damaged or lost, the company will charge the person who rented it $260 which must be paid immediately. 

Travel WiFi

For those living in Spain, chances are that they have heard about this company in the past, but with a different name.

Know before as Wifivox, people can know access to the Pocket WiFi Israel service with Travel WiFi. For those wondering, the price to pay for a week of usage with this company is $59.99, and it comes with 1GB of mobile data to spend per day.

In case you aren’t based in Spain, there’s no need to worry. People can still receive the device in their houses or wherever they are at. The only thing to know about is the price the company charges, which is around 3 to 23 USD.

Now, to close things up with Travel WiFi, time to talk about penalties. Just like we have seen before, they charge people if a person loses or damages a device from the company. In this particular case, they charge $199 if that happens. 

Cello Mobile

Cello Mobile is another alternative for people who are currently living in Mexico, the USA, or even in Canada. 

For those wondering how much they charge, Cello Mobile only manages one rate for their service. In the Pocket WiFi Israel service, the price to pay is $349.99, exactly the same as in other countries.

Now, talking about delivery service. This can be a bit confusing, as they charge 10 to 30 to Mexico, Canada, and the USA. But, for the rest of the world, the price to pay for the delivery service is 75 USD.

The last thing to know about the company is something we have mentioned before with the rest of the companies we have talked about. If someone loses or damages a device from the company, the person has to pay $75 right away

My Webspot 

The last company we have to talk about on our list comes directly from Switzerland as well, and it is known as My Webspot.

This company has similar rates compared to their main competitor, and they basically offer the same to people. For those wondering, the price to pay for a Pocket WiFi Israel is $76.84 and gives 1GB of mobile data per day.

My Webspot also offers a delivery service, and it is cheaper than other companies. In this case, the company will charge people from 4 to 11 USD, and the final price will be determined by where people are.

And, to move forward with other important information people have to know, it’s time to know about the policies of the company. In case someone loses or damages a device they rented, the company will charge from 102 to 204 USD, and the final price is determined on whether the person had or no insurance. 

Similar Portable WiFi options in Israel

It’s time to talk about some alternatives people can consider in case they think it is too expensive or hard to have a device of this kind.

But there’s no need to worry, there are some cheaper and even easier to get alternatives for people who want to travel around the world.

International SIM Card for Israel

Nowadays, SIM cards have been playing an important role in society around the world. No one can deny that because many of us use these cards in order to stay connected with our family, friends, and even for work in some cases.

The best thing about these SIM cards is the fact they will give you access to all the features they normally include, such as mobile data, a phone number, and some more, but they can be used around the world.

For us, it truly sounds like something quite interesting. And it indeed is interesting for other people around the world, and we even have a recommendation for those who want to use one, and are the online stores, which can be the perfect companion for travelers.

eSIM cards for Israel

As technology has been slowly advancing, SIM cards have been also upgrading more. Now, eSIM cards are quite famous around the world, but some people still don’t know how they properly work.

There’s no need to worry about that because eSIM cards are basically SIM cards, but completely digital. The only thing to know is they only work in new-gen devices.

Still, in case you have a device that works well with an eSIM, we highly recommend people take one with them. And, if you want to have the right eSIM with you, use the Holafly eSIM for Israel with unlimited data.

Free WiFi

The last alternative for us to talk about is free WiFi. We all know it sounds like something good to keep in mind, WiFi is not something we will always have available for use.

People will still find free WiFi in some key spots, such as their hotel room or in a restaurant, but more than that, it is recommended to have a second alternative in hand.

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