
How to get Mobile internet in the Central African Republic: Which option to choose?

Author: Carolina Silva

Updated: January 11, 2023

The Central African Republic is probably one of the richest countries in the world in terms of natural beauty and diversity of wildlife. If you’re passionate about these world wonders and are interested in going on vacation to this place, remember that one of the most important thing that every traveler should consider is how to have internet when traveling. Here we will show you the best options to connect to the internet when traveling to the Central African Republic.

How to get mobile data in the Central African Republic

Is this your first time in this country? Most likely, you don’t know for sure what are the available options to get a cellular data connection during your vacation. But don’t worry, as there are a wide variety of alternatives to connect to the internet in the Central African Republic. And even some of these options will also allow you to have internet throughout the African continent.

The eSIM with international data is one of the best options to have internet today. It includes a series of advantages, such as not having to wait or pay anything for shipping. Additionally, the rate is quite affordable compared to other options, such as roaming or Pocket WiFi. These alternatives don’t have as many advantages as we will see later in this post. 

Internet rates in the Central African Republic

We know that beyond the additional advantages of these options, one of the most important aspects when choosing the best alternative to connect to the internet in the Central African Republic is the data rates. For this reason, we have decided to compile the data rates of these alternatives in the following comparative table. This way, you can compare them and make an informed decision based on your needs.

ServiceInternet rates in the Central African Republic
eSIM card for the Central African Republic7 GB for 15 days at $44 USD
AT&T roaming in the Central African Republic$2.05 for each MB
Vodafone roaming in the Central African Republic$6.05 for each MB
T-Mobile roaming in the Central African Republic$15 for each MB
Rent Pocket WiFi$81 for a week of data
Public WiFiFree
Table 1. Rates of the different options to connect to the internet in the Central African Republic

eSIM card to have internet in the Central African Republic

Starting with this list of options to get internet in the Central African Republic, we can find one of the favorite options for travelers – the eSIM or digital SIM with international data. Its main feature is that it’s a digital product. Therefore, you won’t have to go to a store to buy it, nor you’ll have to wait for it to arrive at your home. This is because the eSIM comes as a QR code on your email as soon as you make your purchase. However, you should keep in mind that your cellphone has to be compatible with this product.

Do you want to buy an eSIM for your vacation in the Central African Republic? We recommend that you take a look at other destinations where this eSIM can also provide you with the internet, such as the eSIM for Africa, eSIM for Egypt, or the digital SIM for Morocco. You can find all these eSIMs with the international provider Holafly, together with the eSIM for the Central African Republic.

Data rates for the Central African Republic

  • 3 GB for 7 days at $37 USD
  • 7 GB for 15 days at $44
  • 15 GB for 30 days at $54

How can I connect to the internet during my trip through my provider?

If instead of buying a specific product to get an internet connection, you prefer to do it directly with your cellular operator, you can use the roaming service offered by your domestic operator. In short, roaming means connecting to a cellular network in a foreign country. This cellular network will later charge your operator a fee, and likewise, your operator will end up charging you a much more expensive rate.

For this reason, roaming is one of the most expensive options to have internet in the Central African Republic and, in general, in any country around the world. If you still want to activate and use this service, below we will show you how to do so with the main cellular operators from the USA and UK.

Roaming in the Central African Republic with AT&T

To activate the roaming service with AT&T and have internet during your vacation in the Central African Republic, first, you need to activate it through your phone’s settings. However, it is essential to mention that with AT&T, you will be able to choose between two options to roam at this destination.

Foremost, with the International Day Pass, you can use your phone services during your trip just as if you were at home. You can enjoy unlimited high-speed data, talk, and text by just paying $10 per day. On the other hand, you can also use the pay-per-use option, with which you only have to pay for the consumption you have, and the prices of each service are as follows:

  • $3 per minute of call.
  • $0.50 per message sent.
  • $1.30 per message sent with pictures and videos.
  • $2.05 for MB used.

Internet in the Central African Republic with Vodafone

On the other hand, in the case of Vodafone, the process of activating roaming is quite easy. First, you have to download the My Vodafone app and sign-up. Once inside the app, you’ll have to go to the “Data Roaming” section. Once there, you can activate or deactivate roaming as you prefer. Keep in mind that while it is active, you will be charged the following rates:

  • $1.69 per minute plus $1.21 for call establishment (VAT included).
  • $1.21 per message sent (VAT included)
  • $6.05 for every MB

Roaming in the Central African Republic with T-Mobile

Finally, to activate roaming with T-Mobile, you don’t need to install or download any app since you will only have to call dialing #RON# to activate it. Also, with this operator, you will be able to enjoy different benefits depending on the plan you currently have.

In case you have any of the Simple Global Plans, you can enjoy unlimited data and text messaging without paying extra fees. You will only have to pay $.025 for each minute of a call while you are in the Central African Republic. However, if you have any other plan with T-Mobile, then you will have to pay for your consumption, which rates are:

  • $0.25 per minute of call.
  • $0.50 per text sent.
  • $15 for every MB.

Portable WiFi to have internet in the Central African Republic

Another option, in addition to eSIM or roaming, is Portable WiFi, also known as Pocket WiFi. In short, it is a small router that you can put in your pocket. As long as the battery is charged, it will provide a stable internet connection to you and any other devices that you connect to it through a private WiFi network to which you will have unlimited access.

This type of option is quite handy if you want to go out as a group. Its main feature is that you can share an internet connection without losing speed or quality. If this is not your case, we recommend that you look at other options. One of the main disadvantages of Pocket WiFi, in addition, to the need of having sufficient battery all the time, is its high price, which is not worth paying for if you’re traveling alone or with a small group of people.

This rate will vary depending on the provider you choose to have your Pocket WiFi. In the case of Travelers WiFi, a well-known provider of Pockets WiFi, you’ll have to pay $72 for a week of data in the Central African Republic, plus a shipping fee of $9.

Public WiFi in the Central African Republic

Finally, one of the options is somewhat forgotten or ignored by travelers. We are talking about free or public WiFi hotspots, which will allow you to connect to the internet without having to pay at all. In some cases, you may have to pay a small amount for this service. These public WiFi hotspots can be easily found through apps like Facebook.

However, remember that while this is a relatively cheap option, it’s a somewhat treacherous alternative, as these types of cellular networks don’t have very strong security. Therefore, the information you type in while connected to one of these WiFi hotspots can easily be stolen by a third party.

What we recommend

After seeing and analyzing all these options to get an internet connection in the Central African Republic, it’s normal that you don’t know which one to choose or which is the best for you.

Thus, we want to share our recommendation, since after analyzing the advantages, disadvantages, and internet rates of each of these options, the best value for money and features is the eSIM with international data for the Central African Republic, thanks to the advantages that it offers travelers and with quite reasonable rates with a great data plan.

FAQs about the internet in the Central African Republic

What other aspect should I consider, to get internet in the Central African Republic?

In addition to the options to have internet in this country, you should also bear in mind the network frequencies that your cellphone uses. In the case of the Central African Republic, this country operates with frequencies of 2100, 1800, and 900. If these frequencies are not those used by your cellphone, then you may have serious problems connecting to the internet.

What companies operate in this country, and which is the best?

In the Central African Republic, there are a wide variety of cellular providers, among which Azur (Bintel) Moov and Orange stand out. Of these three, the best cellular operator is Orange, the same operator that uses Holafly’s eSIM for the Central African Republic.

How fast will my connection be in the Central African Republic?

The speeds at which you’ll connect will depend on the option you choose. However, the Central African Republic operates 2G, 3G, and 4G LTE speeds.

What options allow me to share data?

In addition to Pocket WiFi, you can also share data with the international data eSIM, without losing speed or cellular quality and at a better price.

Can I top up my eSIM or Pocket WiFi?

No, once the data or the validity period of the eSIM or Pocket WiFi expire, they will be disabled.

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