
Use Cell phone in Canada: How much does it cost? (Guide for travelers)

Author: Julio Osuna

Published: September 26, 2023

There’s a guide we have to keep in mind while traveling and that can help us a lot in different destinations. This guide teaches us how to use a cell phone in Canada, which can be pretty helpful to know.

There are many things we will talk about here, such as which services to use, what mobile bands are available in the country, and much more, so you can learn a few things that you can later keep in mind when traveling to other places as well. 

Can I use my cell phone in Canada?

This is a question that is more frequent than it seems. Yes, many people will be able to use their cell phones in Canada, all cellphones work there without many things to worry about. The only big question we have is which ways we have available to use.

The first thing we have to keep in mind as much as possible is what mobile bands work there because that way we will know which services we can use and we won’t need to worry much about it.

5G bands5G 2600 (38, 66)
4G bandsLTE 700 (12, 13, 17, 4, 29), LTE 1700 (4, 66), LTE 1900 (2), LTE 2100 (4), LTE 2300 (40), LTE 2500 (7), LTE 2600 (7, 38), LTE 3500 (42)
3G bandsUMTS 850, UMTS 1700, UMTS 1900
2G bandsGSM 850, GSM 1900
Table N°1. Network frequencies in Canada. Source: gsmarena.com

What are the options for using a cell phone in Canada?

For travel to Canada, there are many options available for people to use. Nowadays, using eSMS and SIM cards has become the most frequent alternative for travelers, but there are other options as well. So, let’s talk about them.

eSIM for traveling abroad

First, we have to talk about the eSIM for Canada. This has become one of the most frequent alternatives for people to use in Canada, and even in other countries from around the world. And that’s something that can’t be easily forgotten.

Now, as for which service to use, there are many. Each one offers its own benefits and things to consider, but we have a recommendation. For us, the Holafly eSIM Canada with unlimited data is the best alternative to use when it comes to eSIMs to travel.

Days of useAmount of mobile dataPrice (USD)
5 daysUnlimited data27
7 daysUnlimited data34
10 daysUnlimited data37
15 daysUnlimited data47
20 daysUnlimited data54
Table N°2. Pricing of Holafly’s eSIM data variants for Canada

Let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this service before talking about something else.


eSIMs have many pros to think about, and we have to mention them to make people feel safe when using them.

  • eSIMs work well with most 4G LTE networks in Canada with Rogers Communications support.
  • People can recharge the eSIM service through top-ups.
  • People can activate eSIMs with a QR code.
  • If chosen, the Holafly eSIM gives 24/7 customer support service.
  • eSIMs won’t require to change the actual phone number people is using.


Something we can’t forget while moving forward is to mention the disadvantages of this service, which aren’t many, so don’t worry.

  • Must be used on a last-gen device in order for the eSIM to work.
  • Doesn’t give people a new phone number to use.
  • Can’t be used to receive or send text messages or phone calls.

International SIM Card

SIM cards are also part of the alternatives people have when planning on traveling around the world. They have become one of the most used alternatives for people to use, and that’s quite good due to how easy it is to get one.

But, we can’t talk about other details without talking about the pros and cons of this service.

SIM card advantages

These SIM cards for Canada are totally different from what we have seen in the past. They work in a different ways, and this is what people have to know about them:

  • Doesn’t require people to use their cellphone numbers to use it.
  • Some SIM cards allow people to receive phone calls and text messages.

SIM card negative points

Now, as for the negative points, there are some things that people have to keep in mind.

  • The device where the SIM card will be used must have open bands.
  • The mobile data given to these SIM cards can be a bit too low.

Pocket WiFi for Canada

Another alternative we can consider using when traveling is Pocket WiFi devices, which happen to be quite easy to use devices. They were famous back in the day when SIM cards and eSIM weren’t a thing, and we can still mention them here.

In case you want to use your cellphone in Canada and have proper mobile data, then they might a good alternative to consider, but the costs of using one are pretty high.

Free WiFi in Canada

Free WiFi is present in many places as of now. We have to tell that there are many options for people to use, and WiFi hotspots can be used as a complement for them.

We recommend enjoying this service while also having other options available as there might not be an open WiFi to use everywhere people go. In case you want some help finding a hotspot to use, using the Avast Wi-Fi Finder, WiFi Map, and WinMan apps are pretty useful.

Can I use my phone service in Canada?

This is the best question people can ask themselves. The short answer is yes, but they have to keep in mind roaming services in Canada are not as cheap as someone could expect them to be, and that’s something we have to consider.

We will mention two of the biggest alternatives we can use while traveling to Canada, so you can keep them in mind as much as possible. 

Using my cell phone in Canada with AT&T

AT&T is an option available for people to use while traveling to Canada. They have two different plans for people to use but only one of those plans is what actually matters to us when talking about traveling and getting an internet connection.

As for now, the International Travel Pass, which costs $10/Day, is a good option to stay connected while traveling around the world.

Using my cell phone in Canada with Vodafone

Another alternative, especially for people who live in the UK, is Vodafone. This company allows people to use their roaming services in many different places, Canada included in the list.

They only offer a standard price for people who are traveling abroad, and it is $7.20 per day to use their roaming service with their local data plan.

Local mobile operators in Canada

If you are planning on using a local mobile operator from Canada, this is something that you need to keep in mind. Getting one is not as hard as it seems, but it is somehow complicated for people who are not from Canada.

If you manage to get one, then that’s great, but there’s no need to worry if you don’t because there are many options to use.

How much does it cost to use my cell phone in Canada?

And, to finally close things up with everything we have said here. It is time for people to see all the alternatives they have available for going to Canada for a trip.

Service Internet tariff in Canada
eSIM card CanadaUnlimited data for 20 days for 54 USD
SIM card Canada8.5 GB for 30 days for 55 USD
AT&T roaming in Canada$10/Day with the International Travel Pass
Vodafone Roaming in Canada7.20 USD per day depending on the destination
Pocket WiFi for CanadaFrom 50 to 349.99 USD for a week of usage.
Public WiFi in CanadaFree
Table N°3. Rates of the different options to connect to the internet in Canada

This guide is not only useful for traveling to Canada, it works for other locations as well. The only thing that will change here comes when we talk about prices.

And finally, we have a recommendation for everyone out there, and that is using Holafly eSIM cards when traveling!

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