
Pocket WiFi El Salvador: What are the best options?

Author: Julio Osuna

Updated: April 13, 2023

Traveling through Central America is surely one of the best activities people can consider doing in their lifetime. With amazing countries to visit, rich architecture, and an even richer history and culture, it is surely a place most people will love to meet. And, with a Pocket WiFi El Salvador, people can enjoy their visit to this country.

But what are we exactly talking about here? What is a Pocket WiFi? In case this is something you don’t know, there’s no need to worry. We will talk about these devices and about different details people must know about. 

Companies offering Portable WiFi in El Salvador

Portable WiFi provider company Weekly rates (Including other expenses)
Travelers WiFi84.85 USD (Weekly use) + 4.67 to 34.07 USD (Delivery)
MioWiFi 56 USD (Weekly use) + 40 to 50 (Delivery)
Travel WiFi62.65 USD (Weekly use) + 8 to 30 USD (Delivery)
Cello Mobile104,93 USD (Weekly use) + 14.99 USD (Insurance) + 75 USD (Worldwide delivery) or 20 to 40 USD (Delivery to Mexico, USA, and Canada) 
XOXOWIFI99.40 USD (Weekly use) + 10 to 30 USD (Delivery)

Details and rates of Portable WiFi for El Salvador

As we can see, there are some companies offering people the chance to use their Pocket WiFi service in different countries around the world. But there’s more that people should know when using a Pocket WiFi device.

There are a lot of details, especially small details, on which people have to focus while using a device like this. So, in case you are thinking about renting one, pay attention to all we will tell here.

Travelers WiFi

On our list, we have to talk about Travelers WiFi, a company that is based in Switzerland and that has been providing the Pocket WiFi service for quite some time now.

As for now, to use a Pocket WiFi El Salvador, people have to pay $84.85 for a week of usage. Also, something people need to know about this device is the fact it only gives 1GB of mobile data per day.

In case people want to receive the device in their houses, the company can send it to them. But, there’s an extra charge for the delivery, and it will depend on where people are located due to prices varying from 4 to 34 USD.

The last thing to mention here is the fact that if people lose or damage a device from the company, there will be extra charges too. In this particular case, people will have to pay $159 to the company if that happens. 


In case people want to use the Pocket WiFi El Salvador service and are located in Latin America, MioWiFi is the perfect alternative in this case.

The company is based in Argentina and charges people $56 to use their service for a whole week. For those using the service, the Pocket WiFi gives 1GB of mobile data per day.

Other than that, the company also offers a delivery service to lots of countries. For those who are near Argentina, the delivery will be cheaper. For those who are far from it, things will be different, as the delivery can reach $50.

More than that, the only thing we haven’t mentioned yet is something quite important that people must know. Once again, if someone loses or damages a device of the company, they will charge 260 USD that must be paid immediately.

Travel WiFi

This is a well-known company, especially for those in Spain because some time ago, they were known as Wifivox.

The company still offers the Pocket WiFi service to people, so they haven’t changed much. So, in case you want to use it, the price to pay is $62.65 for a week of usage including 1GB of mobile data per day, just like we have seen in other companies.

For the delivery service, Travel WiFi charges an extra fee to their clients. It will depend on how far or near they are to Spain, but most rates are around 2 to 23 USD, which is lower than what other companies charge.

Lastly, we can’t forget about the penalties the company has. If a person loses or damages a Pocket WiFi device, they have to pay for it. Travel WiFi will charge $179 whenever this happens, so be careful with your device. 

Cello Mobile

For people who are near the United States, Mexico, or Canada, there’s another option for them to consider too.

Cello Mobile offers people the chance to rent a Pocket WiFi El Salvador with them. For those wondering how much they charge for a week of usage, the price is $104.93 and gives people 1GB of mobile data per day.

Other than that, they have delivery service to basically, all the world. They have delivery prices that go from 10 to 75 USD, and the final price will depend on where people are located.

Once again, we can’t forget about mentioning one of the most important details about these companies. Cello Mobile also charges people who lose or damage one of their devices. In this case, the company charges $75 to people, but this is due to them charging insurance when renting the device.


The last company comes directly from Europe too, and they have been in the Pocket WiFi market for a while now.

For those who are wondering how much it is to rent a device with them here’s the answer: $99.40. This rate includes 500MBs of mobile data per day and an extra 1GB of mobile data which costs $30.

Other than that, the company also offers people the chance to receive the device they rented, but only if they are inside Europe, they don’t offer delivery service to the rest of the world.

And, the last thing to talk about is quite important as well. Just like other companies, XOXO WiFi charges for any inconvenience related to the Pocket WiFi device. In this case, the company charges around 150 to 180 USD to people.

Similar Portable WiFi options in El Salvador

Now that we have seen how difficult it can be to rent a Pocket WiFi, what other alternatives do people have? That’s a big question and people should be ready to go for the option that works better for them, right?

Therefore, people must know about SIM and eSIM cards, as they can be lifesavers for people who are traveling around the world. The reason why? Let’s talk about it.

International SIM Card for El Salvador

One of the alternatives on our list as we mentioned is SIM cards. Nowadays, people can use them to travel around the world, which is something that has amazed a lot of people, especially travelers.

The best thing people can think of when using a SIM card is how accessible it is. Not only the SIM card is easy to buy, but it is also cheaper than other alternatives.

For those who are looking forward to using a SIM card, we have a recommendation that can become a lifesaver for a lot of people in the future. The Holafly SIM card is not only easy to get, but it is also accessible compared to other alternatives, and it has great coverage around the world.

eSIM cards for El Salvador

For those who don’t know what are eSIMs, it is the perfect moment for people to meet them because it can become a great alternative for traveling.

Nowadays, eSIM cards can be used on cellphones and smartwatches, but they must be a last-gen device. This is the only thing to consider about eSIMs, but they are a great alternative for most people. 

Now, in case you have been attracted to use an eSIM card and you have a device that supports them, we have some good news for you. For people who want to have a great experience using an eSIM, the Holafly eSIM for El Salvador is the best alternative due to price/benefits relation.

Free WiFi

Nowadays, people can find WiFi networks all around the world, including El Salvador. But there’s something people must keep in mind while they use this service: the WiFi will not be always available.

But, it can help out people whenever they have an emergency. Other than that, maybe using an eSIM or SIM card is the best option for people.

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