
How to get and activate a GiffGaff prepaid eSIM?

Author: Julio Osuna

Updated: January 17, 2023

esim giffgaff

GiffGaff, for many, is considered a “new” alternative in the industry. With only 12 years in the UK market for cellular providers, they have made a great impact due to what they offer, especially when it comes to talking about the GiffGaff eSIM. There’s a lot they offer, and it is important to mention and tell people everything they should know everything related to this.

Here, customers will learn everything related to GiffGaff and how it works. Not only about their eSIM but also about some other details related to this provider. So in case you have doubts regarding how it works or about the details of the GiffGaff eSIM, don’t miss out on anything we have to mention here.

How does GiffGaff eSIM work?

When talking about the GiffGaff eSIM, there are different things for people to know. First of all, we need to clear out whether the GiffGaff eSIM works the same as other eSIMs from the market or not.

In this particular case, people won’t need to worry about how the eSIM works because this one will work just like other eSIMs on the market. Digital SIM cards need to be installed in a device that can use them, and that’s something that will remain the same with all the eSIMs.

Besides, the GIffGaff eSIM will come with additional benefits along with other things that customers have included on their cellular plan. Basically, it will be a substitute for the SIM card, making it easier for people to have one and use it whenever they need it.

Knowing this, it’s time to go ahead and discuss other important topics people need to keep in mind.

Does GiffGaff eSIM work internationally?

As we could expect, the GiffGaff eSIM will work internationally. We are talking about a replacement for the traditional SIM card, and that one offers customers the chance to use it when traveling thanks to the roaming service.

The same will happen with the eSIM they offer. When traveling, people will be able to use it with the roaming service. There’s no need to worry about this, as GiffGaff users will get a solution in seconds!

Now that this is cleared up people; it’s time to move forward with other details about this eSIM.

Details of GiffGaff Prepaid eSIM

There are many details we can mention here regarding the eSIM. In this case, it is more about the details the company offers to all its users. Of course, a company such as GiffGaff will put significant effort into providing their users the best possible service they can offer with different types of benefits.

The coverage is available in different countries. Thanks to this, people traveling to over 70 countries will be able to use GiffGaff eSIM without having many issues. The only thing people will need to take a look at is how much it will cost them to use the service.

Leaving this aside, there are different data plans available for customers to use. There’s no need to worry about not knowing which one to choose, as there will be different options that people can choose according to their budget. 

Now, with customer support. There are different ways to contact GiffGaff if needed, which is totally great. But keep in mind that at times customer support in only available in English. There aren’t other languages offered.

GiffGaff customers will also get different benefits from paying for a monthly data plan. And that’s basically everything we can tell regarding this service.

GiffGaff eSIM-supported devices

When taking a look at the devices people can use with an eSIM from GiffGaff; we can’t find much information regarding this matter. Even though this is a downside when it comes to getting to know the service, we can make some assumptions.

For the GiffGaff eSIM, people who have a last-gen device or at least one that supports eSIM will be able to use it. As long as the device is compatible with this service, there shouldn’t be issues related to how it will work.

GiffGaff Prepaid eSIM App

Compared to other companies out there, there’s no need to worry about if there’s not an app available to manage the eSIM. Even though this app is not actually developed to manage an eSIM, customers will have the chance to use it to manage their data plans, such as the eSIM, data plans, and more.

Thankfully, the app is available on different devices. People will have the chance to use it on Android, iOS, and Huawei devices. So, there’s no need to worry about it, no matter the smartphone you have.

How to get an eSIM from GiffGaff?

Time to talk about how people can get an eSIM from GiffGaff. Of course, there are some requirements people need to keep in mind, such as, they have to be previous customers of GiffGaff to be able to use their eSIM. Therefore, this is mandatory, so don’t try to get one without being a client first.

Now, for those who already are long-time customers and have some doubts about the service, the eSIM can only be bought through the official website of GiffGaff. They have a whole site regarding the eSIM and how much it costs, so people will have the chance to choose their plan and eSIM with ease.

Maybe, in the future, GiffGaff might add some other options for people to get an eSIM. But for now, this is the only method available. The good thing about it is how easy and fast it can be, making it a great option for people who don’t want to go to the store or something similar.

GiffGaff eSIM activation

Time to mention the steps needed to activate an eSIM. For those who haven’t used an eSIM before, this can be somehow complicated, but there’s no need to worry due to the process being rather easy. So, whether you have an iOS or Android device, here you will learn how to activate the eSIM!

GiffGaff eSIM activation on iOS devices

For users with iOS devices, the process to activate the eSIM is pretty simple. It doesn’t require many different steps, and we could say the process is rather easy when compared to other alternatives.

People will only need to add the eSIM by looking for the “Mobile/Cellular Data” options on their device and then clicking on the “Add new data plan” option. Once they scan the code, the process shouldn’t take more than one or two minutes.

GiffGaff eSIM activation on Android and other devices

For Android and other devices, the process is just about the same. People with these smartphones won’t need much; they only need to have the QR code that they will scan to activate the GiffGaff eSIM within a few seconds!

The process to do this is basically the same; they will need to go to the “Mobile/Cellular Data” menu and then scan the QR code. After this process is completed, it will only take a few seconds for the eSIM to start working! 

GiffGaff Prepaid eSIM alternatives

The best thing about the eSIMs, and for those who aren’t clients of GiffGaff, is that there are some alternatives available for everyone to pick from. In this particular case, there’s pocket WiFi devices and international eSIMs, and SIM cards are among the best options travelers could get.

For example, we have the Holafly eSIM that we mentioned here, being one of the best eSIMs on the market for international travels. In this particular case, there’s no need to worry about monthly plans or other subscriptions. People choose the one they prefer and pay for it, so let’s dive a little deeper and see more about it.

Buy an eSIM Online

Let’s talk a bit more about the Holafly international eSIM. This eSIM works for traveling around the world, and people will only need two things to buy it, an email and a physical address. That makes it super easy to buy, which is totally great!

Also, the good thing about Holafly is people can buy the eSIM in a few minutes by simply having access to an internet connection. It is something great for people to know, and that’s something they should take advantage of. So, now you know more about this, you won’t have to worry about how staying online and in contact with others.

FAQ about the GiffGaff Prepaid eSIM

Can people get more than one GiffGaff eSIM?

No. People can only get one eSIM per contract. Therefore, they are limited to only one eSIM.

Are GiffGaff’s eSIM transferable?

No. When people activate an eSIM on their devices, they won’t be able to transfer it to another device unless they ask for help from the company’s customer service.

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